Standard for Success
Standard for Success has replaced STAGES for the online evaluation tools; there is a link on the Staff login page to take you to: Standard for Success. The recommended browsers to use are Chrome and Firefox as it doesn't always function properly in Explorer.
Below are some helpful PDFs for both the administrator and staff members to familiarize themselves and help navigate through the tools.
If you have any questions or problems regarding your evaluation tool, please contact Becky Mullins, Supervisor of Human Resources, (734) 994-8100 ext. 1314.
Please note: Unit III have paper evaluation tools which are not completed through Standard for Success.
For All Staff
For Evaluators
- Administrative Evaluation Tool
- Board Certified Behavioral Analyst Evaluation Tool
- Early Intervention Staff Evaluation Tool
- Office Professional Evaluation Tool
- OT/PT/SLP Evaluation Tool
- School Nurse Evaluation Tool
- School Psychologist Evaluation Tool
- School Social Worker Evaluation Tool
- Teacher Assistant Evaluation Tool
- Teacher Consultant Evaluation Tool
- Teacher Evaluation Tool
- Tech Services/Early Childhood/Non-Affiliated, Non-Supervisory Evaluation Tool